Parent Coaching

Positive Parenting Strategies

Learn easy-to-use practical strategies to support your child’s holistic development, both heart and mind. Together, we adapt holistic parenting techniques to fit your family’s lifestyle and culture.

  • Provide simple strategies to nurture your child’s heart and mind
  • Demonstrate how to use inexpensive and ecologically sustainable materials to support your child’s education
  • Are the parenting strategies you are currently using aligned with the type of parent you want to be? We can discuss neurologically-based, positive parenting techniques.
  • Teach you to nurture your child’s imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
  • Describe how conversation and play may help you understand your child’s perspective
  • Assist you in developing your child’s emotional intelligence
  • Help you to nurture your child’s intuition
  • Support you in adapting your parenting style to your child’s sensitivities

Behavior Consult

All behavior has meaning. Together we will explore the possible reasons for your child’s behavior, and will evaluate which strategies best fit your child’s unique sensitivities and your family’s lifestyle. This may include adapting your parenting style to fit your child’s particular needs, age, and developmental level.

  • Help you discover the reason your child is behaving the way they are
  • Teach you brain-based discipline strategies
  • Demonstrate how to set your child up for success by coaching them step by step
  • Talk and play with your child to gain perspective on the situation
  • Support you in working with your child to solve behavior challenges
  • Review and adapt daily transitions to help your child be successful

Education Consult

Do you want the best for your child’s education? Are you looking for the appropriate school setting for your child? Are you having trouble figuring out public school support programs for your child? Are you wanting to nurture your child’s holistic education at home? I will:

  • Review your school options to find the right match for your child’s personality and learning style
  • Assist you in talking and collaborating with your child’s teacher
  • Support you in educating your child’s heart and mind holistically
  • Liaison with teachers and school personnel directly
  • Help you find quality child care
  • Talk and play with your child to gain their perspective on the situation
  • Support you in talking to your child to encourage critical thinking skills and empathy
  • Create a developmentally appropriate curriculum plan for your child at home
  • Provide individualized lesson plans based on who your child is, their strengths, and their interests

One Coaching Session

The purpose of this coaching session is to discuss strategies you have already tried, and to provide practical solutions and successful new strategies.

A single coaching session often includes the following:

  • Check-in to learn more about what you want from our coaching session
  • I will ask clarifying questions to make sure I understand what your experience is and what kind of support you need.
  • I will provide suggestions and together we will explore which practical strategies would work best for you and your family.
  • Together we will make a plan to clarify your next steps.
  • A follow up email with coaching notes and resources

Coaching session examples:

I teamed with a single parent who had three young children under the age of 6 years. The youngest child, aged two, refused to get in the car when it was time to go to school. I listened carefully to the parent, asking clarifying questions to help me understand the family’s morning routine. I validated the parent’s stress and frustration. I suggested visual picture cards to help the child see what comes next in the morning routine. Then I recommended that the parent specifically praise the toddler’s behavior when she did cooperate. In addition to my suggestions, the parent specifically praised the older children when they got into the car. The toddler’s behavior shifted and she started to get into the car when asked.

A parent had a ten-year-old daughter who is highly sensitive and experiencing anxiety due to multiple deaths of friends and family members. The daughter became stressed about where she was going after-school. I advised the parent to create an interactive daily schedule that included her chores, after-school appointments, and allotted screen time. The schedule was created on a magnet board so the child could decide when her screen time would be and when she would complete her chores. This shifted accountability and responsibility to the daughter, and reduced stress for both the child and the parent.

The mother of a three-year old was traveling regularly for work. The child became withdrawn and clingy at preschool. I suggested creating a picture calendar to let the child know when the mom would be gone and when she would return. I recommended the dad check off the days with the child and let the preschool know who would be picking the child up that day. I suggested that preschool staff remind the child after naptime about who was coming to pick her up. The child’s behavior changed back from withdrawn and fearful, to outgoing and playful.

A single mom was taking a trip on an airplane with her child, who struggled with change, transitions, and noise. I suggested writing a scripted story with pictures of each step in the airport, and what they could do if they were overwhelmed. They read it often before the trip to prepare the child for the transition, and to use during the travel time. Both the mother and child had a much easier journey.

Coaching Series

Relationships are complex, and a ‘one-size-fits-all approach’ rarely works with families. A series allows us to explore topics in more depth and leaves time to brainstorm creative possibilities. In addition, a series allows time for in-between session activities to help you practice and gather valuable information. A longer time frame provides ample exploration of strategies that work best for you and your family.

A coaching session within a series usually includes the following:

  • Check-in
  • Review what we talked about at our previous session
  • Decide what we will focus on for this session
  • Information gathering questions to make sure I understand what your experience is and what kind of support you need.
  • What did you learn or notice in your in-between sessions practicing?
  • What questions do you have?
  • What do you want for the outcome of our session? How can I best support you?
  • I will make recommendations as to which strategies fit best for you and your family.
  • Together we will create a plan to clarify what we will each do in a specific time frame.
  • Follow up email with coaching notes and resources.

A coaching session may also include:

(hover over each bullet point for more details)

  • [tooltip title=”Video Analysis of your child’s development and behavior (Ages 0-8)” text=”We can watch a video together and I will identify child development information related to the child’s behavior and environment.” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]Video Analysis of your child’s development and behavior (Ages 0-8)[/tooltip]
  • [tooltip title=”Home analysis consultation (Ages 0-8)” text=”Using pictures or video we can see what practical strategies might work to help your child be more successful. Home analysis includes ways to make your living spaces more conducive to family time, with ecologically sustainable materials.” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]Home analysis consultation (Ages 0-8)[/tooltip]
  • [tooltip title=”Practicing Practical Strategies (Ages 0-8)” text=”Action helps to set pathways in the brain for change. Together we will practice new strategies until you are confident when using them with your child or your child’s teacher.” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]Practicing Practical Strategies (Ages 0-8)[/tooltip]
  • [tooltip title=”Practical picture supports (Ages 0-8)” text=”As adults, we use visual reminders on our phones and our calendars. Learn ways to help your child use picture cards to be successful in chores and transitions. These picture cards may include emotion cards to support emotional intelligence, transition visuals to help your child through daily routines, and job charts and choice boards. As children get older, they can make these pictures themselves, finding graphics on the computer or drawing them, which provides them a hands-on way to participate with you.” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]Practical picture supports (Ages 0-8)[/tooltip]
  • [tooltip title=”Scripted Story Development (Ages 0-8)” text=”Scripted stories are designed to help your child understand the consequences of their actions. Your child will learn to handle big emotions, seek assistance from adults when necessary, and choose different behaviors. (Children may have a copy at home and at school to support the school-home partnership.)” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]Scripted Story Development (Ages 0-8)[/tooltip]
  • [tooltip title=”In-Between Session Learning Experiences” text=”Repetition helps the brain learn new tricks. In-between activities may include practicing new strategies, observing and documenting your child’s development and behavior, and reflecting on your parenting goals.” position=”right” background=”#dfc8ee” color=”#000000″ font_size=”16″ text_align=”left” max_width=”300″ radius=”5″ shadow=”no” behavior=”hover”]In-Between Session Learning Experiences[/tooltip]

Parent Coaching Options

Sessions are fifty minutes in length.

1 coaching session: $80.00 – $100.00

3 session series: $220.00 – $280.00

What can you expect from me? I value compassionate, respectful, and supportive communication. I ask questions to help me ‘see’ and understand your unique situation, rather than make assumptions about your experience. I provide practical, easy to implement suggestions that we tailor to your family’s lifestyle and parenting goals.

Contact me for a free 15-minute consultation.

WORKSHOPS: I am available for parent and educator workshops. Please contact me to explore possibilities.